Scouts & Agents can filter with data and bio to find the next unknown top talent

Based on your filter option, the players are ranked from top to bottom by stats.


Compare player A vs player B

Compare the players to make better decision with data, heat map, goal post and video replay of every action.

Clubs and Partners that trust our service

And many more from academies, semi-pro and professional for both genders

We can analyse players of your interest

Our analyst will watch and analyse up to 542 data — We build player's digital profile on to our database for all to view data, heat map and video analysis.


Send us the player's videos of their full match — We need the full match videos uploaded on YouTube.

Our analyst will watch and analyse up to 542 data — We build player's digital profile on to our database for all to view data, heat map and video analysis.

Promote the players — Scout and agents can share the URL of players profile or their analysis page to negotiate and win deals.

We provide clarity & certainty of how good a player is.

We simplified the data with info-graphic, heat map and provided a tool to filter specific action to help players know what is working, where to optimize and what level they're going to be competitive.

100% Transparency

For every data we tag, there’s a video replay for you to reflect.

Share feedback of specific action to the player

Save hours of 1-2-1 feedback with just few clicks. The player will be able to review the video and read your feedback.

1,196+ players analysed

109+ clubs analysed from
academies, non-league
and professional levels

All around 35+ countries

20+ players have moved to Cyprus for a pro club in division 3 (this data excludes any other success that players may have used their data to find a new club with scouts/agents).



Scouts & Agents:

If you're looking to save time and money while seeking for unknown talents, then register now and find players with data and video analysis.

More benefits: Contact us to provide more benefits and features where you can improve your work just by using a laptop.